Saturday 6 April 2013

Exercise 1- Information graphic Research

We have been go through a session of discuss what we have to do on the next monday exercise. The exercise required us to come out with group of 6 to create an info graphic. There is a choice of recipe and steps to do. Basically we chosen recipe of as our topic.We threw out a few suggestion examples like layers sandwiches, pizza, lasagna, macaroon and more. But, we concluded sushi where it had more majority votes from our group. So we started our research on how the visual theme will be and what type of sushi will be include in the information. I did a few research on sushi info graphic. I realised that they have a common elements that they used illustration cartoon more then a typical icon. These are the inspiration i got from various website:

After did some research of sushi info graphic, I had proceed into the infographic theme. Obviously sushi originated from Japan, so i suggested using japanese elements (typography, graphic image, composition and etc ). These are the researches and elements i would considered to put into my design. 

Typography ( All Yoko Font )

Graphic approach, japan representative colour ? 

Visual illustration, maybe it would turn traditional
illustration where it show more 
classic of sushi.

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